10 Things You May Not Know About Bayside Mediation

1/  We have our own consulting rooms, purpose-built for mediation. This means we don’t charge extra to hire rooms that don’t always accommodate mediation needs.  We also have the additional convenience of a coffee shop downstairs.

2/  Between us, George Filipowicz and myself, we have over 30 years of experience working as Mediators; We have also undertaken extensive extra training in areas such as ‘Dealing with Difficult Personalities’ and ‘Child Focused’ practice principles to better assist our clients.

3/ Bayside Mediation offers ‘Child Inclusive Mediation’, we are one of only a handful of private practitioners that can offer this service.  Child Inclusive Mediation is considered to be the ‘Best Practice’ when working with parents whose children are old enough to have a voice in their parents’ separation.

4/ Bayside Mediation offers after hours appointments to assist busy working couples to resolve their disputes quickly.

5/ We guarantee to see a client within 7-14 days of their initial inquiry.

6/  We offer joint mediation sessions of up to 4 hours in duration. Many of our clients are time poor and want their disputed resolved quickly and efficiently. We find offering extended mediation sessions where appropriate, enables that outcome.

7/ We offer continuity of service; Our mediators work exclusively with clients from their personal intake interviews to the resolution of their issues through the joint mediation sessions.

8/ Bayside Mediation specialise in all Family Law Disputes, Financial, Property, Children, Access, Wills, and Estates. We also offer Lawyer Assisted Mediation to firms across Melbourne.

9/ We will assess and where appropriate, we will work with clients with IVO’s in place.

10/ We pride ourselves in offering clients a safe and impartial space in which to have the conversations they need to have. But if clients need separate rooms to feel safe, we can provide  shuttle mediation. We also accommodate interstate and overseas clients with mediation services via telephone, Skype or Facetime.