Family Mediation Process

Family Mediator Serving Victoria

Separation is never easy, but the family mediation process provides an alternative to legal action for those struggling to settle custody issues. At Bayside Mediation, we invest in helping clients resolve disputes by minimising tension and focusing on the well-being of the child. We support our clients every step of the way and help you stay in accordance with the Family Law Act.

Why Trust Bayside Mediation with Your Family Dispute Resolution in Melbourne

Your family needs time and help to process separation, and we provide the space and facilities to do so.

  • Non-Adversarial: Deciding to separate is not a decision made lightly, but it can cause anger on both sides. Creating a plan for custody and other topics of separation does not need to be hostile. Dispute resolution isn’t about feelings. Instead, we focus on solving issues logically and reasonably. Our FDR practitioners are there to ensure everyone gets a say, feels safe and that no one is silenced or controlled. Our meetings are all about respect, for each other and the law.
  • Child Focused: When children are involved in a separation, they are acutely affected, which is why we focus on the effects choices will have on the child. Cooperation of parents helps make the process easier and allows both of you to continue a healthy and productive relationship with your child. If they are old enough, we can also provide Child Inclusive Mediation with your preference of child mediator to ensure they feel included in the process.
  • Quality Services: Our facilities are designed to maximise comfort and availability. We assist Clients in one of our purpose-built mediation rooms. When needed, we can even provide mediation in separate rooms and stagger departure and arrival of each client for optimal resolution. Thanks to our space and experience, we are generally able to begin servicing new clients within seven working days.

Statistics on Family Law Mediation Melbourne You Need to Know

The benefits of mediation are countless and help many families in their search for middle ground.

  • Legal Alternative: Family Dispute Resolution offers an alternative to the costs and time of using a lawyer for mediation. Avoiding initial legal action can go a long way towards keeping the situation civil while allowing each side to resolve their differences.
  • Following the Law: The Family Law Act of 1975 requires individuals to attempt solving custody and parenting disagreements with FDR resolution services before taking a matter to court . This requirement is designed to avoid legal action whenever possible.
  • Success: Our experienced mediators are aware of the potential high conflict nature of separation. Our family law mediation has an 80% success rate, which demonstrates how invested we are in your resolution. Our emphasis on logical problem solving and the impact on your child help you get the family plan you need.

Bayside Mediation has been helping families with quality mediation since March of 2013. Avoiding lawyers helps keep all parties as amicable as possible and puts the focus on children to find the best possible arrangement. We are committed to your situation, which is why we offer a free 30-minute phone consultation to prospective customers.

Contact us to schedule yours today and start finding the peace you both deserve.