Putting Children First: Nurturing Their Well-being During Separation

Celebrating 10 Years of Bayside Mediation’s Dedication to Child-Focused Mediation

As Bayside Mediation marks ten years of helping families in need, we are unwavering in our dedication to putting kids’ needs first during the separation and divorce process. Our office, which was established by Dianne Loveday, has constantly put kids at the centre of our mediation services, offering sympathetic and successful help to families at trying times.


Guided by Evidence: Supporting Separated Parents

 At Bayside Mediation, we recognise the value of making decisions based on solid facts while assisting separated parents in navigating the family court system. Our team stays up-to-date on the most recent findings in the fields of parenting styles, child custody, and the effects of parental separation on children. We provide parents with the knowledge they need to make decisions that genuinely serve their children’s best interests by relying on this research.

In order to help separated parents effectively communicate, handle problems, and create workable parenting arrangements, we offer professional advice and useful tools. We enable parents to sustain healthy relationships with their kids and create a nurturing post-separation atmosphere by encouraging cooperation and encouraging meaningful communication.


Nurturing Cooperation: Fostering Amicable Separations

 Bayside Mediation fully believes in promoting amicable divorces, where the basis for progress is clear communication, respect for one another, and shared decision-making. We are aware that preventing conflict is crucial to the happiness of both parents and kids.

Our knowledgeable mediators assist parents in resolving conflicts and making crucial choices regarding child custody, property division, and financial issues. We assist in creating a peaceful post-separation atmosphere that supports the emotional wellbeing of everyone involved by encouraging cooperative problem-solving and parents to concentrate on long-term goals.


Empowering Children’s Voices: Our Child-Focused Approach 

We at Bayside Mediation are adamant that young people’s voices should be respected and heard. Our child-focused mediation strategy makes sure that kids’ viewpoints get the respect they merit. Our specialised Child Inclusive Practise (CIP) offers kids a secure and encouraging environment in which they can voice their ideas, emotions, and worries.

Our skilled Child Mediators interact with kids during CIP sessions using age- and stage-appropriate activities including play and discussion. Children can express their wants, anxieties, and wishes pertaining to the separation through this procedure. The child’s opinions and feelings are then expressed and taken into account during mediation sessions with the parents with their consent.

We give parents the tools they need to make decisions that prioritise what’s best for their kids by including the opinions of the kids. This child-centered approach promotes a sense of inclusion and emotional security for the children during the separation process in addition to assisting parents in developing parenting plans that address their particular needs.


Celebrating a Decade of Dedication

 As we mark our tenth anniversary, Bayside Mediation is still committed to helping families come to amicable agreements and fostering the future of our kids. Learn more about our child-focused mediation services and how we can help you during this trying time by visiting our website.

Discover the power of putting children first by visiting our website. Let us go through the difficulties of divorce and family law with you, keeping your children’s welfare and best interests at the centre of every choice.

Let’s work together to shape a better future for our kids—one based on co-parenting that is caring, respectful, and cooperative.